
Friday, April 23, 2021

VR Project: Foliage Cards

 For this week we got a lot of good feedback, most of it centered around pushing back our foliage and reexamining what kinds we were using in the scene. An important facet of that criticism is that it made us realize that we weren't being necessarily as close to the source material as we could. Because of that, we couldn't exactly recognize our own project and place it within the movie. 

This is what our scene looked like before we began the edits. We took another look at the movie and began to see what kind of foliage was being used by the artists there. We made cards for cat tails. ferns, small patches of flowers, grass blades, etc, but that still wasn't enough! Our tech artist Ashley assembled some quick trees with cards as well and replaced some of the ones you see above so that our scene could look closer to our source material.

Here's an example of some of the foliage I made:

It's super simple, inexpensive, and resembles the film's foliage, so it gets the job done. 

There is a lot that can be said for composition and proper placement of assets. You can have the best looking assets ever or spend a lot of time refining them, but your art needs to be able to be placed well to really shine through. And after some tooling around and simple fixes, our scene got some praise!

This is the current state of our project! As you can see, the placement of things and our foliage really changed the look of things. I'm definitely looking forward to getting this sucker into the high res stage and adding cool little interactions to drive up the production value. However, that's next semester!

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Saint Anatoles Cathedral (3D Art Week 03)