
Friday, July 9, 2021

Sprint Delivery 4 (VR Project) + Lighting Assignment

 For this week we were tasked with lighting another team's VR level, and my team was picked to light team 4's map. They're making an experience based on the movie Labyrinth, so I chose the throne room they'd made as I figured I could use the many candles lying around the place. I wanted to go for a much brighter ambiance than they had, with a focus on the warmer colors of the candlefire. I didn't want these lights to blow out any textures or seem too powerful, so after so messing around I managed to get a happy balance. A white spotlight resting on the throne cut across the shadows messing with it and resigning it to the gloom, and hopefully finish up this piece and assign it an object of interest for the player to focus on. 

For reference, this was the image I based my lighting on:

Also, for this sprint we managed to get plenty of things done. Our environment is mostly finished, the only places that need touching up are the foliage and some parts of the cave. The hill was textured and the seam was healed, so we were able to resolve that issue and move forward with polishing the cave. After talking to faculty, we determined that the best way to make the puddles and refuse around the edges of the cave structure was to make decals. I'm tasked with this going forward; it'll be the last polishing we do for the cave.

I textured the mosquito netting and the roots hanging from the cave walls as well, baking the latter down to cards so that they're cheaper. The mosquito netting was done with a simple alpha and is going to be edited in the upcoming days since the final look is definitely not fantastic; it merely does the job for now. 

Here are some pictures of the assets:

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Saint Anatoles Cathedral (3D Art Week 03)